Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So one of my favorite times with the kids starts every night around 8pm when I go say "bonwit", goodnight. Last year when I was here with a team we started meeting with the girls every night before bed to sing, pray and kiss them goodnight, it was a very special time. When I returned this year with the team the kids of course wanted to have that time together again. It didn't take long before the boys were asking me why I sing and pray with the girls but I just say "bonwit" to them. Now that I live here I start with the little kids rooms and end with the big girls room and I get to sing, pray and kiss each little precious face goodnight. 
For a while some of the 11-14 year old boys thought they were too cool for a kiss on the cheek and a hug goodnight, but now they all ask me why I spend more time in the girls room and make sure I sing with them EVERY night :) Tonight 3 of the boys blessed my heart and they don't even know it. When I went to say goodnight to the boys 3 of them hadn't made it into the room yet. I returned a little later to ask one of the oldest boys to help me with something and my almost 14 year old, Nesly said with his head hanging and a sad voice, "Emily, you didn't say goodnight to me..." I said I am so sorry, kissed his cheek and told him I love him. Then the other two boys of course needed their "goodnight" too. They were so cute and made me feel so good to know that they do accept and appreciate my love for them! I think our "bonwit" time has become as special to them, at least some of them, as it has to me. If I don't get to say goodnight to some of the little ones because they are already asleep when I come to the room, they always ask me first thing the next day, "Why didn't you come pray with me and say goodnight?". I get yelled at if I try to leave before they get a chance to give me hugs and kisses from them, they're too cute!!
My prayer is that they would experience God's love through me. I know that sounds crazy because God's love is perfect and I am a sinner but praise Him because He has saved me from my sins AND because He uses us with all of our imperfections so I am praying He will use me here with these precious children who love to be held, hugged, kissed, told "I love you" and kissed "bonwit" no matter how old or young they are! Bonwit!


  1. Soooo sweet, Emily! Bonwit to you too!!! (((Hugs)))

  2. I love reading all that the Lord is teaching you and I love seeing how much you love the children.

    Thank you for sharing. Love, Carol

  3. It is so neat for them to get a touch from GOD through your hands and lips and your last comment made me think of the last line of an old,old song by Kate Wilkinson: May HIS beauty rest upon me as I seek the lost to win, and may they forget the channel, seeing only HIM.
